S Eane Haljine Za Majke Mladenke
S Eane Haljine Za Majke Mladenke 1
Ivan is a retired music teacher in his late 70s, and has grown weary of life. His estranged son never matched up to his expectations anyway, he is still eaten up with jealousy of his brother, who always enjoys life to the full, and - above all - he cannot keep up with the changes around him. He buys himself a plot in a graveyard with an beautiful view of the Alps and checks into a retirement home so he can wait for his death in peace. However, the exact opposite happens: for the first time in his life Ivan starts to actually live.
Ne znam koliko je dobro izvlaciti takve pausalne zakljucke, na osnovu dela texta, a koji se namecu kao apsolutno tacni. Pokusao sam ugrubo da opisem kako se zvucnik ponasao kod mene, ili kod Nenada. Svecane haljine i kompleti za zene u najboljim godinama. By Šivenje po meri i haljine po meri Updated about 6 years ago. Already tagged. Already tagged. Already tagged. Already tagged. Oakeyem, Fiona s Ellie Messer, Sarah s Phoebe Berman, Simon s Lauren Murrell, Deborah s Aaronom Brightom, g. I g a Perez, George sa Sophijom Sirius, Tony s Christinom i Louise Aquino, Sima i Tim s.