Java Copy File Progress Bar

Posted by admin
Java Copy File Progress Bar
  1. Progress Bar Java Gui
  2. Java Copy File Progress Bars
  3. Java Delete File

I'm extremely new to Java, and have mostly just been teaching myself as I go, so I've started building an applet. I'd like to make one that can select a file from the local disk and upload it as a multipart/form-data POST request but with a progress bar. Obviously the user has to grant permission to the Java applet to access the hard drive. Now I've already got the first part working: the user can select a file using a JFileChooser object, which conveniently returns a File object.

But I'm wondering what comes next. I know that File.length will give me the total size in bytes of the file, but how do I send the selected File to the web, and how do I monitor how many bytes have been sent? Thanks in advance.

The example does both a read and a write using binary readers/writers. It writes the file and then reads it.If you look at the code you should be able to identify the code required to do a simple copy. One idea would have general psuedo code for this copy would be as simple asOpen Source File StreamOpen Destination File StreamWhile there are Records to Read in the Source FileRead In a chunk of Bytes from Source File StreamWrite this chunk of bytes to a destination File StreamUpdate the Progress BarApplication.Doevents '.

Progress Bar Java Gui


Java Copy File Progress Bars


Java Delete File

I was able to adapt it to do what I wanted namely log progress to a file. (I wasn't that attached to RoboCopy, mostly wanted to be able to copy files while logging progress in bytes to a file. I found a bunch of other stuff but most of them were only percentage or didn't account for files in progress. So I am trying to do something in visual basic I start learning but still that is not enough. Mostly I am using codes from internet. Now I want to copy few files from first folder to second folder and overwrite existing files and I want to see progress on progress bar (all files together are about 2GB).